Under One Sky is committed to supporting and engaging in community-driven research that honours and respects the urban Indigenous community. We use a For Indigenous, By Indigenous approach to research and are proud to work with a variety of partners to further community-driven and led research for the benefit of all urban Indigenous peoples in New Brunswick.
Urban Indigenous Families, Systemic Poverty and Homelessness in Fredericton, New Brunswick
Creating a Culturally Appropriate Training Module and Identifying Local Urban Aboriginal Resources for Non-Aboriginal Caregivers of Aboriginal Children in New Brunswick
A Participatory Research Project Community Summary
The “lived experience” of urban Aboriginal families in New Brunswick
A Healing-Focused Camping Weekend for Urban Indigenous Families Living in Fredericton, NB
Reflections on engaging with Aboriginal communities as a foundation for Ph.D studies.
A Report for the Public Health Agency of Canada, Atlantic Region
Deconstructing a successful community-academic collaboration